Briarwood Summer Programme

05 July 23

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Our summer programme at the new Briarwood Heights block in North Prospect is in full swing, with residents joining in and raising some community summer spirit.

From craft sessions to fun-filled games, we've been hosting a variety of activities for residents to enjoy. It's been incredible to witness the creativity and laughter filling the air as residents come together and improve the area they live in.

Leigh Ferguson, Communities Worker at Plymouth Community Homes, said: “It’s been great to meet the residents of Briarwood Heights since it opened last year. There seems to be a real appetite from residents to help keep the block looking nice and the work we carried out in planting pots for the patio area forms part of that.”

“We hosted a delightful gardening session supported by the talented gardener, Hazel Wooding. Nine enthusiastic residents joined in, showing they have green thumbs and planting vibrant flowers in two communal planters. We hope that this colourful addition will inspire everyone in the block to make the most of our shared patio and garden space.”

Rob, Briarwood Resident, said: "It was good as residents to be able to get together in a safe space to do something we all enjoy."

Pam, Briarwood Resident, added: "Everyone really enjoyed the activity. The plants look great. We planted strawberries and lettuces too, so we are looking forward to enjoying some of the produce when it grows too"

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