Efford Community Event

05 June 23

Boy picking out toys and smiling (Aug 2023)

Dozens of PCH residents enjoyed the Efford Community Event held last week, with High View School transformed into a place of entertainment. The event was a great success, filled with a range of stalls, face-painting, bouncy castles, animals, mini golf, and much more.

Not only did the occasion benefit from the glorious weather, but it also witnessed the efforts of our amazing PCH staff, who set up a special stall giving out free toys. These toys, including teddies, dolls, and play equipment, were generously donated by the PCH Reuse Centre.

The PCH Reuse Centre plays a pivotal role in our sustainability mission, collecting large bundles of children's toys and household items left behind by residents in PCH properties. Rather than discarding these items, the Reuse Centre recycles the items, cleaning and restoring them, providing an avenue for sustainability and reducing waste. By transforming previously loved toys, the Reuse Centre breathes new life into them and enables us to give them away to local children and families who can enjoy them.

Donna Vickers, Environmental Services, said: 

“The Efford Community event was amazing, the atmosphere was great, the weather was beautiful, there were lots of smiley faces and it was one of the busiest Toy giveaways we’ve done to date. We actually almost ran out of toys after an hour and half (we started off with a full van full!) and we had to go back and get some more, it was so popular! As always, the smiles on the faces of the children were priceless and again we had such good feedback from the adults too, they couldn’t believe we were giving it all away for free. It's just fantastic and so rewarding to be a small part of something that can bring so much joy and make such a big difference to so many people!”

Throughout the day, PCH staff attending the event engaged with the community, meeting new faces and strengthening relationships. This event provided an opportunity for community members to come together.

One PCH resident said: "It's been a wonderful day out with some lovely weather, it brings the community together, and have seen so many familiar faces. The kids are happy too, they now have a bunch of new toys to take home"

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