Loneliness Awareness Week: Connecting Communities

13 June 23


At Plymouth Community Homes, we believe that everyone deserves a sense of belonging and connection. Loneliness can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds, and we are committed to creating a supportive community where no one feels alone. As part of Loneliness Awareness Week, we want to highlight the services and support we offer to combat loneliness and help provide meaningful connections.


Community Events and Activities

We organise a wide range of community events and activities that bring people together, providing opportunities to socialise and make new connections.

From 'Tea and Toast' mornings to gardening groups and Yoga, there's something for everyone. Join us at these events to meet like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships.

During a Confidence and Motivation workshop organised by Plymouth Community Homes in partnership with Active Plus, our residents said: “I looked forward to coming out of my home for the first time in years.” 

“This has helped me go against the grain of what I know and has given me the confidence to know that it’s ok to fail sometimes, try and again and don’t be afraid to ask for help from others.”

Find out more about getting involved.  


Supportive Housing

We understand that safe and comfortable housing plays a vital role in combating loneliness. We provide a range of high-quality housing options tailored to people’s needs. Our dedicated team ensures that residents have access to support services, creating a supportive environment where residents can form connections and build relationships with their neighbours.


Volunteer Programmes

Our volunteer programmes offer opportunities for community members to make a difference in the lives of others while combating loneliness. By becoming a volunteer, you can provide companionship, support, and friendship to those who may be experiencing isolation. Together, we can create a network of caring individuals who make a positive impact on the lives of others.


Volunteer opportunity at the Men's Shed

We currently have a volunteer opportunity with our Janner Men’s Shed.

The Janner Men’s Shed is a place for men to make social connections and share skills, knowledge, and laughter.



Digital Support

In today's digital age, we recognise the importance of staying connected online. Our digital drop-in sessions provide access to technology and digital skills training for those who face barriers using digital tools. Through these programs, we aim to bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect with others virtually, from the comfort of their own homes.


Find out more:


If you are interested in finding out more about Loneliness Awareness Week, please click here: 



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