Over the last year, we've made some big changes to how we do resident scrutiny at PCH.
Resident scrutiny is essential to improving our services to residents, through working with our staff to enable a diverse range of residents’ views to influence and improve how we work.
The changes were sparked by the Customer Focus Committee and some of our residents who wanted us to take a fresh look at how we do things.
We teamed up with residents, including members of the scrutiny steering group, to review and improve our scrutiny process. We held workshops, surveys, and got input from staff at all levels, as well as the Customer Focus Committee and senior staff.
Astonishingly, more than 300 tenants, including shared owners and leaseholders, got involved in this review.
Here's what we learned from the review: Tenants wanted shorter scrutiny reviews, stronger links with the Customer Focus Committee, and a task and finish group review model.
So, we've come up with a new way of doing resident scrutiny. It's a collaborative model where tenants and staff will work closely together in joint task and finish groups. We've also made it easier and more flexible for tenants to get involved at different stages of scrutiny. This is important, especially with all the changes happening in social housing regulations.
We recently launched our first scrutiny review under this new model, looking at how we deal with Damp and Mould. This topic was chosen by a record-breaking 433 tenants – the most we've ever had involved in a scrutiny review at PCH. We can't wait to hear their thoughts and recommendations.
In the next year, we plan to do two more scrutiny reviews and report back to tenants and you about the improvements we make as a result. We want to give a big shout-out to our scrutiny steering group members. They've worked hard to challenge us, design a new scrutiny model, and will continue to be involved, even though we're making changes.
So, a huge thank you to Elaine, Shirley, Gaynor, Patrick, Joanne, and all the other members of the scrutiny steering group, both past and present.
We appreciate all PCH residents who give us their time to help us learn and get better.