The Janner Men’s Shed

13 June 23

WX2A2094 Edited

The Janner Men’s Shed is a place for men to make social connections and share skills, knowledge and laughter.

It’s part of the UK social inclusion and community engagement movement that realises the value of people working together on practical woodworking tasks on a regular basis.

It was set up in 2017 and continues to be supported by Plymouth Community Homes (PCH). Around 20 members attend the fortnightly sessions which take place at Leigham Community Hall, and during a typical session they will have lunch together, socialise and practice woodwork.  

Men’s Shed initiatives show health and wellbeing benefits when people - particularly older individuals, find themselves disengaged from their communities. The essence of a Shed is not a building, but the connections and relationships between its members.

PCH residents thoroughly enjoy attending the Janner Men’s Shed, and Mick Vella, a member since October 2017 has been part of the group since day one.

Mick said: “I have been at the Janner Men’s Shed since day one and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I lost my wife eight years ago and since then I moved from once place to another, and I didn’t know anybody. When I first moved here, I was told about the Janner Men’s Shed and was asked if I wanted to join and I went along to see what it was all about.

“I had never put a nail in a bit of wood in all my life before joining the group, as I was a chef for over 50 years and that is all I knew. Over six years later, I still really enjoy it; I make things such as squirrel tables and renovate tables and chairs and so much more.”

A laptop has recently been donated to The Janner Men’s Shed as part of our Health and Housing project with Livewell Southwest, aiming to help improve the health and wellbeing of residents and to support with digital inclusion. The members will be able to keep digital records, produce their own material and now access the internet when they meet.

The Janner Men's Shed are looking for a volunteer to join and assist with the running of the project as well as supporting the secretary with minute taking and supporting the treasurer with finances. If you’re interested in this role, please contact Ryan Huws at

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