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Resident review

Resident reviews enable you to help us improve the services we deliver to residents

These reviews involve a team of residents who look at one of our services we deliver. From the review, you'll be able to offer recommendations on how we can improve by looking closely at performance information and speaking to staff, and in some cases, completely mystery shops.

Engaging with residents is an important part of our approach to how we deliver services – it helps us to ensure that what we do meets the needs and expectations of our residents. These reviews provide an independent check of our services, offering a valuable perspective on the customer experience.

Resident Review is split into two parts which you can be a part of - online and one-off involvement, and a Task and Finish Group process lasting about four meetings.

You said, we did

Read our reviews, which includes the findings and recommended improvements:

Task and Finish Groups

Task and Finish Groups allow different people to be involved each time we review a service. Each group consists of four to 10 members and you'll remain in this through throughout the review process which is usually eight weeks.

To find out more about being part of the Task and Finish Group, call our Communities Team on 0808 230 6500 or email us.

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