Help us to improve the services we deliver to residents by joining a resident review
These reviews involve bringing together a group of interested residents to scrutinise one of the services that we deliver. The subject or service is selected using a range of measures that indicate where a service would benefit from being reviewed including performance, cost and complaints information.
As part of the review, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with teams across Plymouth Community Homes to investigate and review information that can identify areas for improvements. You’ll be able to carry out tasks including analysing performance information, meeting with or shadowing staff, constructing surveys, analysing data and more.
Part of the resident review process involves scrutinising the service selected. Scrutiny is part of the regulatory requirement for residents to hold their landlord accountable for the services they deliver. Effective scrutiny helps ensure that tenants can trust PCH and hold us to account.
Residents joining the review will be supported through their time and during the scrutiny process with a training programme, mentoring from previous resident review members and an allocated member of staff.
You can get involved in a variety of ways and can take part online and in-person:
- Put forward suggestions for services to be reviewed: takes up to 5 minutes
- Be part of the Review Team: this includes 4 to 5 meetings over 6 months. Each meeting is 2 to 3 hours.
- Take part in a consultation about the service being reviewed: 5 to 10 minutes
- Attend a focus group on the service being reviewed: 1 to 2 hours

You said, we did
Read the outcomes of our previous resident reviews including the findings and recommended improvements