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Privacy Notice – Shareholders  

Effective 18 September 2023  

At Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) we are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected, and that data is used in accordance with the data protection legislation in force in England and Wales. 

This privacy notice sets out why we collect personal information from you, how we use it and who we may share it with. It also explains your individual rights under the current data protection legislation. 

If we ask you to provide information which can identify you, then we will only use it in accordance with this privacy notice.  

We may change this notice by updating it on our website. You should check the notice from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.  

Any queries regarding this notice and our privacy practices can be sent to the company Data Protection Officer by email using or by writing to the Head of Governance, who is also the Data Protection Officer at - 

Plymouth Community Homes 

Plumer House 

Tailyour Road 



PL6 5DH 

Alternatively, you can telephone us on 0808 230 6500 

Who we are 

Plymouth Community Homes Limited is a registered housing provider. Our registration number is 30637R. Our registered office is Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Crownhill Plymouth, PL6 5DH 

For the purposes of data protection legislation, Plymouth Community Homes Limited is a Data Controller  

Why we collect information  

We collect and process your information because you have entered into or wish to enter into a contract with PCH as a Shareholder. This is usually the legal basis for processing your information and carrying out our activities. We require the information to help us keep an up to date and accurate register of PCH Shareholders and so we can assist you in carrying out Shareholder duties effectively 

What information we collect about you 

The information we may collect about you includes:  

Independent Shareholders 

  • Name 
  • Address 
  • Telephone contact details 
  • Email contact details 
  • Attendance at meetings 
  • Review returns  
  • Date of birth 
  • Occupation/interests 
  • Equality & diversity information 
  • Copy of your Shareholding certificate 
  • Voting record at meetings (when necessary) 
  • Other shareholder eligibility information 

Tenant Shareholders 

In addition to the above, we will also collect 

  • Information on any anti-social behaviour cases or rent arrears linked to your tenancy with PCH  

Most of the information listed above will be supplied by you directly. 

How we collect your information 

PCH collects information from a variety of different sources; in the first instance this information is provided to PCH by you as a prospective Shareholder. If your application to become a PCH Shareholder is approved by the PCH Board this information will be added to, as appropriate, throughout your time as a Shareholder, either formally through data collection on forms or volunteered by yourselves to members of PCH staff.  

PCH will also undertake an annual Shareholder review to confirm whether you wish to continue your Shareholding membership and to confirm your contact details and your preferred method of contact.  

CCTV – we operate a CCTV system at Plumer House in pursuit of our legitimate interests of building security and the detection and prevention of crime. For more information refer to the separate Privacy Notice for CCTV at Plumer House. 

Photographs – we may take photographs at our events and in our communities for use for general marketing and publicity. However, photographs of individuals will only be used for those purposes with your consent.  

Special Category Information 

Under data protection legislation certain personal circumstances are classed as special category. This is information relating to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health, data about sexual health orientation and criminal convictions.   

We minimise our holding and use of special category personal information but, upon application to be a Shareholder, we will collect special category information about:  

  • We collect medical/disability and health information to allow us to effectively support you to perform your duties as a Shareholder.  
  • We collect information on your age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and religion to ensure the equality of treatment in line with the Association’s equal opportunities policy and in compliance with equal opportunities legislation.    

When we wish to collect specific special category data, we will seek your consent and notify you of how we will use it, including who it may be shared with. You have a right to withdraw this consent at any time.  

What we do with it 

We may use the information you give us: 

  • to provide a service that you request or to perform a contract to which you are party 
  • to undertake tenancy reference checks – applicable to tenant Shareholders only 
  • to understand your needs and provide you with a better and more supported service 
  • for internal record keeping 
  • to improve our products and services 
  • to comply with our legal obligations 
  • to comply with our regulatory obligations  

How long we keep your information 

We retain Shareholder information as a permanent record as required by the Financial Conduct Authority who register Community Benefit Societies.  

CCTV – we will retain CCTV footage of Plumer House for no more than 6 weeks unless footage is being used to investigate an alleged crime or incident in which case it may be retained for up to 2 years following the conclusion of any investigation.  

Photographs – if you have consented to having your photograph taken, consent given is valid for 3 years, after which all images and recordings will be either securely destroyed or archived.  

We will securely dispose of all information.   

Sharing your information 

We will only share your information where we are legally entitled to do so, for example: 

  • to allow the PCH Board to agree your Shareholding membership 
  • to comply with the law  
  • to confirm your eligibility as a shareholder 
  • where there is a clear health and safety risk 
  • child protection and safeguarding issues 
  • where there is a clear risk to yourself, staff and others 
  • to provide you with the services you require 
  • for the detection and prevention of crime, prosecution of offenders and for the detection and prevention of fraud 

We may therefore share your information with third parties from time to time, such as: 

  • PCH Board 
  • Members of PCH Staff 
  • Security companies operating at Plumer House 
  • The police 
  • Legal Advisors, the courts and our insurers and auditors 
  • Our regulator, the Regulator of Social Housing  
  • A nominated third party where you have given us your permission 
  • Companies that help us mail out newsletters etc. 

How we store your information 

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. Some information is stored on paper, but most is stored electronically. To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information. 

Your Rights in relation to your personal data  

In certain circumstances, Data Protection legislation gives you a number of individual rights in relation to your personal data. These are as follows:  

  • The Right to be Informed about how your data is managed – this right is met by this privacy notice and a range of other notices which relate to specific aspects of PCH, such as the CCTV privacy notice and the website privacy notice. 
  • The Right of Access to your personal information – so that you can be aware of and verify what personal data we hold. Click here for details on how to apply for this right or ask us for more information. 
  • The Right of Rectification - to have any personal data corrected if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
  • The Right of Erasure of your personal data – this only applies in certain circumstances, such as where you have given consent for us to hold information and you withdraw that consent.
  • The Right to restrict processing – in certain circumstances you have the right to block or restrict how we process your data;
  • The Right to data portability – which in certain circumstances allows you to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services
  • The Right to object - in certain circumstances, to the processing of personal data. In particular you have the right to object to being sent direct marketing information. 
  • The Right not to be subject automated decision making - Plymouth Community Homes does not do this.   

More information on the individual rights and how they apply can be obtained by clicking here, by requesting a paper copy of our individual rights guidance information or you can visit the ICO website ( 

 If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact: 

Governance Team 

Plymouth Community Homes 

Plumer House 

Tailyour Road 



PL6 5DH 

Alternatively, you can make a request electronically, by email, to or telephone the Governance Team on 01752 388134 or 388152 

Making a complaint  

If you believe that Plymouth Community Homes has not handled your personal information correctly you have the right to make a complaint. You can raise a complaint in a number of different ways: 

  • To a PCH staff member 
  • At our offices at Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Crownhill, Plymouth, PL6 5DH 
  • Through our website 
  • Using social media 
  • By telephone 
  • In writing 

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office at. 

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire 
SK9 5AF 

Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number. 

This privacy notice was drafted with brevity and clarity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive detail of all aspects of Plymouth Community Homes collection and use of personal information. However, we are happy to provide any additional information or explanation needed. Any requests should be sent to the PCH Data Protection Officer at the above address. 

If you or someone you know would like this information in large print, braille, or translated into another language, please contact our Communications Team on 0808 230 6500 or 

Plymouth Community Homes Group  

Registered Office: Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Plymouth, PL6 5DH  

Legal Status:  

Plymouth Community Homes Ltd is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (which consolidates the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts) and is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (registration 30637R) and The Regulator of Social Housing (registration L4543).  

At the time of issuing this Notice, Plymouth Community Homes Ltd has two wholly owned subsidiaries, Plymouth Community Homes Regeneration Company Ltd (PCHR), company number 7272688 and Plymouth Community Homes Energy Ltd (PCHE), company number 8028170. Both subsidiaries are incorporated under the Companies Act 2006. 

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