Your feedback matters to us and helps us to improve our services
We are always looking for ways to improve our policies, procedures and services so we can continue to provide homes and communities where people want to live.
Here are some of the examples where we have listened to your feedback and made changes following consultations, resident reviews and neighbourhood plans.
As part of a resident review, residents looked at the way PCH contractors interact with residents including large contracts for work (for example block improvements) and contractors who work in residents’ homes.

Read the full Contractors - You said, we did report.
Damp and mould
As part of a resident review, residents looked at how PCH tackles damp and mould.

Read the full Damp and mould - You said, we did report.
In your neigbourhood
As part of our neighbourhood plans, you tell us what's important for us to focus on in your local area.

Learn for Free programme
As part of a consultation, we asked residents what they thought about our Learn for Free programme.

Read the full Learn for Free - You said, we did report.
Fly-tipping in Stonehouse
As part of a consultation, we asked local residents in Stonehouse what they thought about fly-tipping in their area and how we could work with them to decrease the number of incidents.

Read the full Stonehouse Fly-tipping - You said, we did report.